Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amy Butler Birdie Sling - Pattern Review

Lately however I have been now really feeling like sewing all that much. Sewing requires attention and I have been feeling just too tired to concentrate. Plus my sewing machine set up is a little cramped and as I have gotten bigger, the space just seems to get more and more cramped.

It's a little disappointing because I have heaps of projects that I want to get finished before the little one comes along - but I just don't feel like sewing.

I have, however, wanted to make a Amy Butler "Birdie Sling" for sometime now and I decided on Monday to get on with it.

So I got on with cutting it out (with 'help' from little hands) on Tuesday and spent yesterday fighting with my iron and fusible interfacing and pleats. I'm not sure if it is just my iron but the fusible interfacing just didn't want to fuse and the resulting wrinkles were driving me and my pregnant back crazy.
At about 10pm last night I left it to finish today.

No fancy fabric - just something I had in the stash from Spotlight. I had it pinned for a different bag but given that particular bag has more interfacing than this one - I don't think I"ll bother.

This bag is nice and roomy - plenty of room for all of the baby kit!

I'm not sure I'd recommend it for an absolute beginning sewer - but definitely a challenging project for an advanced beginner!

I used a medium weight fusible interfacing which I think the handle and yoke parts of the bag needs, however the main part of the bag could be done with lightweight fusible for a softer feel.

I'd better go pack it because this is destined to be the bag that Hubby is instructed to grab when I go into Labour!

How about you - What project have you been working on this week? I'd love to hear about it (It doesn't have to be sewing/craft related).

1 comment:

  1. Bags- that's something I haven't tried yet - too busy trying to copy a design for a Chloe Coat for my daughter - where do I start? Good luck on the "Labour".
