Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Made Baby Toys

One thing I have noticed since having my own little one is that you can never have too many toys. They do seem to get bored with the same toys over and over again. The only problem with that is that toys can be expensive!
Simple home made shakers using pasta and craft supplies and cheap plastic containers are perfect to keep things interesting for the little monkey!
To make these, all I did was take some clear plastic screw top containers purchased at a $2 shop and filled them with different sounding objects.
In this picture, the first contains some metallic bells, the second contains some puff pom poms and sequins for a very small soft sound and the third contains an assortment of macaroni, buttons and novelty buttons in different animal shapes - to give the baby something to search for in the jar.
To make it safe for baby to play with, I affixed the jar lid using some 2 part epoxy glue on the inside of the screw top lid - that way the lid can't be pryed open by little hands.
These toys are probably appropriate from 3 months upwards - however once your baby learns that jar's such as these can be opened it is probably best that they are used under supervision - just incase they manage to get past the glue!
This is Harris's very first attempt at painting  - he actually wanted to eat the paint brish more than paint with it - and it was rather messy - but fun all the same!
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1 comment:

  1. One of my friends was telling me about a toy library run out of an old school in Rivett - did you know about that? Apparently it's not too expensive and you can get new toys each week.

    See you tomorrow.
