Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Delicate Delicate New Life of Spring

Sometimes I wish I knew how to make pictures bigger on blogger so that it did them justice a bit better.
Yesterday I wore a skirt and a tank top all day and the maximum temperature was only 16 - but to me that was plenty warm enough to stop wallowing in the depths of winter clothing.
What can I say - the warmer months make me happy!
Below is a pic of my latest haul from the Salvo's. Looking at it now I have actually already used most of it to make shorts for the baby for summer. I'll post a pic later on. I often flick through the vintage patterns at the salvo's just to see what might happen to pop out at me. This one did the other day - I thought it had a nice sillhouete. If anything - it will make a nice summer frock to throw over swimmers at the beach. 
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  1. I don't upload them directly to blogger. I upload them to flick then embed the HTML. Have been much happier with my results since then!

  2. Thats a good idea Bells - thanks

  3. Andrea, nice fabric score at the salvos. You can register your email and name on A2F website under BagLadies and they will send you an email notifying you of their sales :)
