Monday, September 15, 2008

Pregnancy Weight Gain

Is getting me down majorly and I think that I really need to rein it in a little on the nutrition front. I have put on 9 kg in the 12 weeks since discovering I was pregnant(and yes - I know that some of that is baby related but really - it only weighs around 200g right now!) . This is a little more than the recommended weight gain - 5 of those kilos were in the frst 6 weeks. I think that was mainly due to needing to eat all the time just to stay feeling well and not like throwing up!

I have been feeling 100% now for about three weeks and I think I am still eating like a crazy person because I have gained around 800g per week in each of those 3 weeks.
The "recommended weight gain" is around 500g a fortnight - and I would be content with that - but at the rate I am going (if it keeps up like this) I will end up weighing in at 100kg by the time the baby is born and be a major candidate for gestational diabetes.

I think that I have lost all of my discipline and definitely got into a "oh well - now I can have 9 months off" attitude. I have had no discipline in food prep or fresh grocery purchases and at the moment I am only exercising on the weekends. I sleep in until 7 am (nearly) every day - just because I can. I think that I should be using that time to get up and go walking - at least a couple of days per week to try and slow this weight gain back to the healthier rate.

I'll continue this post later on because I need to think a little more....

So, now I have been to the shops and stocked up on all the things I need to start having a bit more discipline.

Back to planning each meal I think is a good start. At least then It is all there for me and I don't get to 7:30 in the morning (when I leave at 7:40) and find I don't know what I am going to eat each day.

So I have made some vegetable pasta with light evaporated milk, honey seeded mustard, asparagus, tomato, capsicum, peas and beans. That will see me through lunch for the next few days.

I have snacks planned as well.

Don't get me wrong I'm not going back to cutting calories drastically, i'm not trying to lose any of the weight - just maintain it where it is at right now for a few weeks at least. That way I should be close to back on track with the weigh gain at 500g/fortnight - because seriously I don't want to be giving birth to a 14 pound baby!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea Andrea! It was like reading the life of ME! I too have put on lots of weight (too scared to weigh myself but im a size 14 at the mo) I too sleep right in till 7am and need to be on the road to work by 7.30am....the mornings head rush! eating brekkie in the car as well! AND I too only exercise on weekends at the moment. Its alll to hard and our bodies need that extra more sleep. im trying to study as well! Dont stress, yes we are intitled to 9mths off....well get back into it. i cant wait to go to the gym and put my little one in gym crache while mummy works her butt off in the gym! we have great crache ladies and im very lucky cause one is a very good friend. But please dont worry about will be a new challenge and we'll look at our lil'ones and how worth it it will be!

    JL x
