Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fantastic Monday

How rare - to have a title like that on a Monday - but I just had to post to say how amazing I am feeling today - Dare I say it - I think this might be what normal feels like. It is now after lunch and I still have energy, I don’t even feel like a little nap! It really is good to be able to appreciate what feeling good feels like! Now - If only I could feel good about eating salad and healthy things again - not that I haven’t been eating healthy things - I have been eating a lot of home cooked things actually.

Tonight I am contemplating making a Quiche - I have never made a quiche before so it should be interesting! I was also feeling good yesterday - so I thought that I would make the most of it and have a bit of a cooking session so that the freezer would be fully stocked for the nights when I might not be feeling fantastic.

I made a huge batch of slow cooked spaghetti bolognaise sauce, I also made a big batch of Red Lentil and Bacon soup - which may just be the tastiest soup I have made for a long time!! Here is my MishMash recipe:

Lentil and Bacon Soup

1 Tblsp Olive oil
2 Red Onions
1 Large teaspoon of minced ginger
2 carrots, Grated
1 Parsnip - chopped into cubes
2 stalks of Celery - chopped small
1 Lt of Vegetable stock
1 Cup of red lentils
200g Bacon, chopped into small pieces
Ground black pepper

Brown Onion in oil with ginger until golden and soft. Add grated carrot, Pepper, Stock and Lentils, turnip, celery and bacon pieces. Bring to boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 - 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally. Once cooked, Let to cool for a little bit - then blend with a stick mixer until smooth. Enjoy!

I don’t actually have a good Stick mixer but I have been using Mark’s mum’s which is a bamix one. I know that Bamix are expensive - in fact I don’t even know if you can get them any more! But - a really good quality stick mixer with a food processing attactment is definitely on My list of must haves for once the Baby is ready for mushy solids. I can’t wait to be able to experiment with making my own baby food - so i will be adding that one to my list of things to buy for sure!

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