Sunday, August 28, 2011

How does my garden grow?

Spring is definitely starting - although I am trying not to get too complacent and am expecting it to get cold again before it finally warms up.  I have been busy planting things that I can, trying to get on top of the weeds and mulching.  We bought a worm farm a week or so ago and it will be a while before we see the benefits but it is great to be able to feed vegie scraps to something!
I got out in the garden this morning and took some pics because it it a lovely day. I have a number of things on the windowsill germinating away. The standout winners have been the lettuce which sprouted after just 2 days. Still waiting for most of the rest but I have Tomatos, Zucchini, Cucumber, Capsicum, Basil, Coriander, Parsley, Kale and a few other random things in so they will be ready to plant out after the frosts.

Lettuce Seedlings
I resurrected my pea trellis yesterday and moved it to a different part of the garden. I have never had much luck getting the seedlings to take before now so we will see how it goes in this new position.

Pea Ti-Pi

Freshly planted Pea Seedings
The garden is starting to brim over with flowers in anticipation of spring. We have a lot of Iris in our beds and they tend to make up the majority of our flowers but I do scatter some Pansy and viola around the place to fill in holes here and there. I need to plant some more bulbs but that can be a job for next year.

A Lonely Pansy - Blueberry in the foreground.
I bought a blueberry a few weeks ago and I'm not really sure where I want it to live so I am going to keep it in a pot for now until I decide. If it goes OK in the pot I might just leave it there. I also want to get a small patio lime. I planted some Mustard greens just for something different. By the time my rocket seeds sprout and the cut and come again lettuce gets going we should be right for salad season!
I was very excited this morning to see my Rhubarb crown had sprouted!

Mustard Greens with Curry plant in the foreground
We have a number of fruit trees in our garden, an old derelict Apricot which we never get many fruit from, a peach which has never fruited, an abundant plum and a Granny Smith apple which always gets coddling moth. I am going to try and combat the coddling moth this year and I have a few ideas up my sleeve.



And last of all my favourite - the Jonquils.


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  1. WOW!!!! It is really coming along. Well done Andrea. You have inspired me to get out do some planting ( once I am over this lurg). I went and bought all of my seed at the nursery the other day, so I am ready to go.

    I am going to have a crack at spuds this year. Have you ever grown them and did you 'green' your spuds before planting?
    Kel xoxo

  2. Hi Kellie,
    We have some 'wild' potatoes that just seem to grow every year. They have always turned out OK and I do very little to them. I planted some proper seed potatoes this year so hopefully with a bit of attention they will do really well. I sat them on a window sill to green up a bit before I planted them out for around two weeks.

