Saturday, January 9, 2010

At the end of our week

And so wraps up the first week of Childcare for Action Man and work for me. We have both had a surprisingly great week. I think the key to that being that I have been super organised and Mark and I have worked together as a team to get things like dinner and the cleaning organised.

It just makes life so much easier to have a great partner in crime - especially when there is a baby involved.

When the house is a bit of a mess I feel out of control and I didn't really want to cope with feeling like that as well as working and getting us where we needed to be on time. Those three days of the week when I work are going to be a bit of a write off I think because once we get home, get dinner done, clean up from dinner and make lunches for the next day, there isn't much more I feel like doing apart from sitting down on the couch.

Part of the daily routine is getting all of the clothes and bags and bits and pieces ready for the next day before we go to bed. That way there is no rushing around in the morning and we can focus on eating a good breakfast and getting ourselves ready for the next day, I like having this calmness to the morning.

Action man had a great week at childcare and seems to love it. He loves playing with the other kids and the carers there just seem so brilliant. There wasn't even any tears! Having him at the childcare centre that is located in the grounds of my work just makes it that much easier. It means less stress for me because I know he is right there and it takes less than ten minutes for me to get there if need be. I am glad that we waited until now - when he is 11 months old - to start at childcare.  It would have been much harder when he was younger.

I had a brilliant week at work and have just slotted back in right where I left off. I haven't really forgotten anything at all which is great!

I get a lot from work I have decided - it is an impotant part of my psyche. Although I miss him a lot while I am there I feel like there is a little part of me back - the bit where I get to be the intelligent, clever girl who know things about physics and radiation and is making a difference in the world. Even though I still consider being a mum my first and most important job - it is nice to have this other side. 

Just the routine that my job enforces onto us is something I enjoy - I think I like the structure.

Yesterday I disted off the bike and had a go for the first time since I broke my arm back in May 2008. I was a bit wobbly to start off but soon got the feel for it again and ended up going out for about 12km. Felt great straight afterwards but my legs ached all day yesterday from using muscles that haven't seen work in a while.

I think I am going to make it a regulaer weekend activity though!

Hope you all had a great week as well!

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1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that Harris loves childcare so much! It must be so tiring going back to work and having to do everything else as well, I take my hat off to you!

    Hilary xx
