Saturday, January 31, 2009

More Photographs

Sometimes I wish I put more pics up on my blog.

i dont mainly because I think that I am pretty crap at taking a nice photo and I like them to be all artistic and lovely and mine are pretty much just not!

Perhaps I do have a bit of baby brain because I have notices lately that my attention span for these types of things is very limited, I'm not that interested in reading and lately my spelling (or is that typing) has been very poorly - and I am usually quite pedantic about that type of thing.


Feeling: Generally tired and can't be bothered. I had my hair cut on Friday and I can't even be bothered to straighten it to see how it looks properly. I think that is mainly because I know I will just get in the pool later and ruin the straight effect anyway!

I think that actually it is the heat sucking whatever energy I have right out of me.


  1. Good luck Andj

    I hope the rest of your pregnancy is fairly uneventful and cool.

    We head off in the morning.

    Take care

  2. I just had a nap today and one yesterday Andj because of the heat, but it must be even more draining being pregnant in this heat.

    Not long to go now though until you get to meet the little one...
