Friday, December 12, 2008

Who are Primrose and Avery?

I guess they are just a couple of characters who have been popping up in my drawings lately. Primrose being a shy girl who doesn't really like to show her face and is quite partial to striped stockings and red shoes and Avery the cat.

As this blog is about my fledgeling artistic side I thought it appropriate to subdue the colour in the post title for now - just until I feel like I am more confident with what I am doing and drawing and making.

Sewing and painting are featuring heavily at the moment and I am trying to stockpile a few projects to keep me entertained while I am on maternity leave (but before I have the baby).

I am also a bit keen to expand on my crafty capabilities and to learn a little more about embroidery techniques, expand upon my limited sewing skills and possib;y learn to crochet. That is more than enough to keep me busy!

For any new readers - I have been blogging for a while now - but mainly about fitness related things. I have always enjoyed being creative and making things but in the past few years doing that has been associated with much guilt that I should indeed be doing something else! (i.e. Studying). My fitness/Life blog isn't really the place for posting about crafty things so I thought I needed a new space. I have been trying to find the right angle for a few weeks but I think now I have found it. I am 31 weeks pregnant with a little boy due on Valentines day and most of my crafting activities in the past few weeks have been directed at his nursery. I am almost done so I will post some pics of the things I have made over the next few weeks. I am also busy making a few small handmade additions to christmas presents.
I'm not quite ready to commit to being completely handmade for presents just yet but I think I will work on it over the coming year.
I find the creative process very meditative and calming - but - my brain often gets caught up in thinking too hard about all the things I want to do and create. Mind you - thins may all change once baby come along. We will soon find out I guess!

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