I think I am going to reattempt to do the 500km thing - I was doing it last year - aiming to 'travel' 500km - through walking, running, cycling etc.
So aI guss I want to post some details and that on here but I'm just not up to it tonight.
I also think that I am going to do a half marathon some time in the next 6 months - possibly the Canberra Half - but that is not a huge event - I need something with some atmosphere - so possibly something in Sydney.
I need to work out a training schedule and build it up slowly. All I know at this stage is that it will be before August - mainly because we are most likely going to start thinking about having another Baby at the end of the year.
Why go and get all fit again and then have another one? Well I didn't cope that well with pregnancy last time - I had some hip and lower back problems etc. When I fell pregnant lst time I was the fittest I have ever been - so essentially I would like to get back to that again.
It will also give me a good base for staying fit during the pregnancy- something I wasn't able to do last time as muchas I would have liked.
So I need to get myself focussed and stay there.
I'm thinking of taking this back to my Fitness Ambition blog - just because it feels more appropriate there.
Many thoughts - must go and think!
Hi Andrea, you can call me Iti.
ReplyDeleteBtw, Congratulation for expecting another baby.. :)
I like your blog. Plus, there's a lot of information about parenting. Thank you.. :)
You can also have a look at my blog.