I was tagged by Liz to participate in this meme...however being away from my computer in the calming world free of technology (YES! There is only a basic TV which is analogue and we listen to records...you remember those big black plastic things that play music!).
So here are my answers:
1. I love making lists and notes. I would probably write at least two lists a day and leave them scattered all over the place on scraps of paper.
2. Since having a baby, my favourite time of day is when he goes down for a nap and I get the opportunity to do something for myself on my own terms.
3. I have a great desire to be in control of situations - I have only learnt this since having a baby and learning that sometimes control doesn't matter and it is good to just let go.
4. I have lost all of the pregnancy weight I gained through breastfeeding and daily walks - I have done very little consistent exercise and have n ot dieted at all since having him. I weigh the same now as I did right before I fell pregnant.
5. We use cloth nappies on the little Actionman the majority of the time.
6. I am currently undertaking a Certificat IV in breastfeeding education and will be qualified as a Breastfeeding counsellor by the end of the year.
7. My priorities and understanding of life have changed entirely since having a baby and I couldn't be happier with where I am at right now.
I think that by now most people have been tagged.
Thanks for tagging me Andrea, I will do shortly, but I am just catching up on everyone's blogs. Go away for 4 days and it's amazing how much you miss :)