Sunday, January 11, 2009


Last night and so far today (and it is only 8 am!) I have been feeling rather ordinary. I had a good nights sleep last night (relatively) and a bit of a sleep in (until 7:45am - but sleeping in usually makes me feel groggy) but it doesn't seem to have helped.

I have the daunting task today of tidying my home desk - I think I may also have to write a powerpoint presentation for work. I have all of the bits in my head I just need to put it onto paper.

Yesterday afternoon I started getting back pain again and that is (I think) what is contributing to the ordinary feelings.

I think it scares me a little because it is a sign that the impending birth is getting closer.

Daily affimation from now on should be:

My body is designed to achieve this and I am strong and capable of achieving what I set my mind to.


  1. The last month is always a bit of a struggle Andrea - you're so close, but you're so far away at the same time. Can you possibly email me when you get the chance (link through fitness solution).


  2. Hang in there Andrea!! Thinking of you Nicol xxxx P.s. can you email me your new address to please?
