Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Was having a fairly decent day today, ticking lots of things off my list of things to do... until things went pear shaped to a degree after lunch - AND i can't really talk about it on here because family read my blog.

So I can see a restless night ahead of me - because my brain works overtime when these things confront me - and in reality there is nothing I can do about any of it.

I figured things out for myself a long time ago and set myself on a path to become the person I was happy with - and really thats what life comes down to - being happy within yourself. I realised that money doesn't buy you happyness - it has to come from within and that sometimes you have to go really deep inside yourself to figure out the things that are important for you.

Unfortunately you can't choose your family - and I don't think that I would have chosen mine any differently to what they are. I have learnt many lessons and am the person I am today because of my family - but being an individual you still have to put your own spin on things right?

I guess I have worked out my way of dealing with things involving family and while occasionally I probably seem cold and disinterested to some - I guess it is my way of dealing with emotions and if I didn't have this coping mechanism then I would be an emotional wreck.

It is difficult when other people can't see it from your perspective though.

Hmmn... not really much else to say..


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I went through something that is probably similar last year with parts of my family. I hope it is sorted soon without too many tears or too much lost sleep. I'm here if you want to chat/vent.

  2. Thanks so much for your kind offer Amanda! It's difficult not having too many 'in person' riends here in Canberra!
    Once I am on maternity leave we should catch up again!

  3. That'd be great Andrea. I'm heading off on LSL in 3 weeks. When do you start Mat Leave?
