Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tickers etc

I was just sitting here looking at the ticker on the sidebar and thinking to myself -wow - still 119 days to go. I kind of wish that the ticker also said how far I have come - because I know that I am past the halfway point now.

Apart from dying grandfathers - this has been a fairly uneventful week.

I booked us a restaurant to go out for dinner next weekend. It is called Anise and I chose it based on these good reviews:

Canberra Times Bryan Martin, 12-07-06 "The restaurant has an elegant French feel to it with the high-back bench seat running down the length of the room. The tables are simply and tastefully arranged and you can glimpse the busy chefs through the serving portal. The menu has eight starters and mains and tends towards hearty and exotic flavours and ingredients. ."

Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2007 Score: 14/20 "In just five years Anise has become one of the senior members of Canberra's best restaurant strip, opposite the law courts in leafy West Row. Muted lighting, a comfy banquette running along one wall with pillows placed just so, and good acoustics make it a pleasure to spend an evening here."

So hopefully it is nice.

I have started wishing that I could take a slightly more pregnant person with me wherever I go so that people would stop telling me I look big. I know that I am looking completely normal for the stage of pregnancy I am at. But it really messes with you psychologically and it makes me think about when I can get back to exercising - a lot. I keep looking at all these people out jogging with the mornings with much envy and I want to go jogging and not have to limit myself. I even found my hydration belt the other day and looked at it wistfully. The only positive is that my ipod is broken so at least that makes me feel better.

There is a largeish hill near our house and Mark and I decided yesterday that we need to do a lap that means we walk up that hil at least once a day. I feel so weak in my hamstrings and glutes and it annoys me. I am (hopefully) going to do some serious muscle building when we are finished being pregnant. I need some shap and strength in my leg and I also need some serious shoulders.

Little baby is still kicking away. It is funny but sometimes it is ever so slightly uncomfortable. I wasn't feeling great on Friday and some of yesterday. I had a big of a headache and felt really achey. I took my blood pressure and it was really good - 116/64 - so at least that wasn't the cause.

Right - had better go. We have people coming over for roast tonight and I need to go and research how to get crispy potatos - my potato's never seem to be crispy.

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