What is That - you may ask??? Simply put - November is National Blog Posting Month. The concept is that you post a blog post every single day for the month of November.
Harder than it seems BUT I figure if I combine it with my money thrifting / Stop food wastage challenge - then it may not be quite so difficult.
The rules for the Money Thrifting Challenge are as follows (kindly borrowed and adapted from The Shopping Sherpa):
Please note: these are the rules (guidelines?) I feel comfortable with. If you fancy playing along you can use these or make up a set of your own that you feel comfortable with...
During the duration of the Fiscal Fast I can only spend money on the following:
1. Groceries. Planned out and purchased on the fortnightly shop. Fruit and vegetables only may be purchased at other times throughout the fortnight - although attempting to limit to 2 extra shops. Anything over and above this will be posted in green.
2. Bills that come due: electricity, gas, phone, insurance, internet etc.
3. Baby related items that are on the list. See previous post.
4. I am allowed one "Get out of jail free" card per week.
5. Medicine related items. This does not include Lipstick, mascara etc etc...
In terms of entertaining, it is permissible for me to cook dinner for friends and have them bring wine, nibbles or dessert as this is what usually happens when I have a dinner party. Not permissible is expecting friends (or strangers!) to pay for my dinner, tickets to things or buy me chocolate or wine just because I've decided to do this challenge.
Seeing as this is the first time I have attempted something along these lines I believe that the rules may need to be altered or added to along the way to account for essential things that I may have forgotten right now.
- Eating out, getting takeaway coffee etc
- Making frivolous shopping purchases because I can
- Paying for parking
I will dilligently write down how thrifty I have been each day and how much money I have spent each day. I will keep a tally in the side bar to see how I am going.. updating on a Sunday.
I'm scared. Tomorrow it begins.
Daily Categories:
Morning tea:
Afternoon Tea:
Finished Today:
Spent today:
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