Thursday, September 3, 2009

Handmade Home Beach Blanket

harris play mat 002
Originally uploaded by Andjx2009
I just finished zipping up this lovely blanket made from recycled sheets and pillowcases so that Harris and I have something to sit on outside so we can enjoy the coming warmth of Spring.

It was a fairly easy project, however, my machine really couldn't cope with the bulk of fabric in the blanket and I don't think I'll be making another one anytime soon (The arm on my sewing machine is quite short).

The blanket can be found in the oh so lovely book "Handmade Home" by Amanda Blake Soule - the eternally inspiring lady who is fast becoming my mentor for natural parenting.  Her blog Soule Mama is here.

I have decided that I have serious issues with Bias binding and that we are not friends.

The hardest part was actually keeping the baby on the blanket once we got outside. He isn't really one for staying in the one spot for too long and thinks that grass is tasty.




  1. I learnt bias binding at my sewing course, but haven't used it since, nor in a big project.

    Did you put wadding in the blanket? It looks lovely.

  2. The blanket looks beautiful! I haven't got my hands on this book yet but it looks like a winner.

  3. That's really clever Andj. It looks like a lovely blanket.
