Monday, November 3, 2008

Would you like milk with your sugar?

Day 4

Another pregnant brain moment this morning. Whilst making coffee, when I went to pour the milk into the coffee - I poured it straight into the sugar bowl instead. It's quite funny to do something like that because you just look at yourself and think "Stupid!".

I am finding more and more similarities with restricting my spending to restricting my diet. I know that there has been a bit of talk on blogs lately aboutcravings for particular foods when you are on a diet. I tend to agree with Kek, I think it is more about brain power than your body telling you that you need something in particular. I couldn't get enough juice in the beginning weeks of my pregnancy - I think that I probably went through aroun 2 Lt of juice every 2 -3 days. I don't even really like juice THAT much! Apart from the juice I have had no other cravings to speak of for particular foods. Food cravings aside.

I do get an insane burning itch to spend money, if it is there. Whether it is in my bank account or in my wallet. If it is there I can get a little obsessed with allocating it to some purpose. It doesn't have to be on a particular item - it could be on food for instance. If I have 40 dollars in my bank account on the day before pay day I have a compulsion to spend it. I'm not sure where this habit came from. I used to have an absession with having "things" I had to have this or that particular thing to tell myself I was happy. I have moved away from that a little bit - although I do still tend to attach 'things' to having something be 'perfect' in my mind (case in point: Shelving unit from Ikea!). It is the craving to spend that I am trying to overcome and it is really helping being able to relate it back to when i was trying to lose weight and training for the marathon. It truly is about laying down those patterns of thought in your brain so that you untrain it from one way of thinking and retrain it to another. The money that I have saved just in the last few days from simply not buying food while I am at work is amazing.

Yesterday afternoon I even talked myself out of buying a cappacino at the doctor's (it's a bit fancy - there is a cafe) because I knew that if I didn't buy the cappacino then it would mean I wouldn't have spent any money today.

It is also helping me to get back into the 'conscious mind' thinking patterns that I will need to eat a bit better after the baby is born ( so I can shift the extra weight). I'mnot talking about going on a full on diet - because I want to breastfeed and that can be affected by restricting calories. I am simply talking about eating ALOT of really healthy, clean food that will nourish my body. Why not now? you may ask. Well that is a very good question. Mainly because I simply don't want to, it has a lot to do with me needing a very solid goal to work towards in order to be able to be really good with my eating and I can't do that (the goal bit) right now. BUT once I have had the baby, my body is mine again and I will have control over how much I weigh.

Anyhoo - this has gone on for long enough this morning!

Hope you all had a win on the cup!

I ended up doing some gardening today and then went for an inaugural dip in the pool. It was a bit chilly but once you were in it was fine.

I also slipped on a rock or something like that and fell over and sprained my ankle. I felt pretty stupid. I landed straight down on my backside so it wasn't an awkward fall or anything like that but now my ankle hurts as does my pride.

Breakfast: Home made pancakes with lemon juice and sugar, plunger coffee
Morning tea: Tea cake, cup of tea
Lunch: Tuna Salad (Tin tuna, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, cheese, mayo) (had to use up the lettuce)
Afternoon Tea: Sao biscuits with cottage cheese, tomato
Dinner: Tomato, feta and basil Quiche with salad
Snacks: Cottage cheese, frozen berries, yoghurt

Finished Today:Milk(we use UHT milk so always have some in the cupboard), Lettuce

Wasted Today: A whole pot of sugar! (See story above)
Spent today:Gardening things: $30.70

Groceries that were forgotten the other day: $12.20

1 comment:

  1. ha that made me laugh - I do that on a normal day the milk and sugar thing that it xo
