Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What I am making...or My Creative Space

This is the beginnings of a cot sized quilt for my friend who's baby is due on May 30th.

I finished piecing it together tonight and lets just say I need to work on the piecing. It's not the neatest quilt in the world - but hey - we've all got to start somewhere.

So now I need to figure out how to finish it off. The batting, the binding, the actual quilting part.

Hmmn... I would really rather make more fun things such as skirts.

Just for good measure here is a(nother) pic of my favourite person.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Designer Spotlight: Koolaman designs

I stumbled across this beautifully delicate stamped Jewelery the other day and decided that I just love it.

I think it would make the most perfect mothers day present - as you choose what you want stamped on your pendant.

Find them at Koolaman Designs

Long Weekend Loveliness

We have had a beautifully relaxing weekend this Anzac day long weekend - the only flaw in it was that I forgot to take my camera away with me and so I am unable to share it with you visually!

We went to out beach house on the NSW south coast and didn't do too much at all except:

Drink Tea
Listen to beatles and abba and simon and garfunkle records (yes... records)
Play with baby
eat beautiful fresh seafood
Visit beautiful friends
Appreciate life....

The we came home to freezing Canberra and we wished we had stayed there another night!

We visitied some friends while we were down there and I had not been to their place before. Oh MY! it is my dream house. Georgously light and sunny, high up on the hill surrounded by bushland and with ocean views. The grass was green, the chickens were running free and the horses were frolicking. It was so stunning!

I have been trying to teach myself to knit and crochet and I am not having much luck with either. The knitting is coming along much faster than the crochet - at least it is good until I try to follow a pattern and then nothing seems to look like it should. So then I rip it all out and start again.

Another social week of visiting, drinking tea and sewing coming up this week for us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where's Harris?

I decided that this blog wasn't really the place to talk about Harris and our family life.

This blog was really always about fitness pursuits and thats really how i want it to stay!

I have been writing about other things at my other blog for a while now, so that is where i willl talk about Harris and our family life as well as post any pictures of him.

As for the fitness stuff - not much of that hapenning this week!

Mummy's been busy!

Sewing up a storm!

Using the 'recipie' in The Creative Family by Soulemama I have been making harris some pants from refashioned shirts and pillowcases.

I also made up the Dot Dolly pattern that I bought from etsy the other day. I think she is pretty cute but that she might need a boyfriend. I could possibly do a boy version? or just another doll entirely.

The pants are great! Although I prefer sewing them from stretchy material rather than the pillowcases because they seem to fit a bit better.

The problem is thought that we tend to wear our clothes to death and Op shops here aren't actually that cheap.

My next project is going to be another pair of pants made from some pirate fabric that I have been searching for a use for. For those I am going to try the Yoga pants pattern from the Meet me at Mikes book.

I decided last night that I have too many projects on the go at the moment and that I need to finish some of them before I start any more.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Catching Up

on rest....
on life...
with friends...
with reading...
on sewing....
with family....
with blogging...

in general....

Words and along here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Creative Space

Playing along with Kristy

This is my attempt at getting all of my crafty bits and bobs together in one space! My actual creative space (aka - My Desk!) looks like a paper bomb has gone off in the vicinity at the moment. Not much crafting going on - but tidying of the craft equipment has definitely taken place.

I'm not quite there yet but uts getting there.

Etsy Highlight: My First Etsy Purchase

have hesitated and hestated for ages about buying things on Etsy - don't ask me why - I just have. Perhaps I didn't want to start a bad habit!

However, I have been looking for a boy doll toy for my babe and wanting something handmade - I haven't really been able to find anything at all that I liked that was premade.

Sure - there is lots out there but they were all kind of in between what I had in my mind.

So I decided to search patterns instead.

This is what I came up with!


The seller is Herbst Handmade - they have a cute varety of PDF patterns - and some VERY cute bunny slippers which I may need to come back for! Seeing that it is nearly winter and all!

They also have a blog - which you can check out Here!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Obsessed with baby toys!

We just bought this play gym for Harris this morning. He seems to like it so far.

I am becoming totally obsessed with toys for Harris - both home made and bought! I just can't get enough of them.

These are some I would love to get him.

Musical Zebra

Take along Musical Mirror

Fisher Price Clutch and Crinkle Ball

End of the week

It's Friday and I am exhausted!

This is what it always feels like when I first get back into training - until my body settles into it and the energy returns.

Having trained all body parts this week I am now sore and achy all over and tomorrow I am having a rest day - although I will probably go for a walk.

This morning I sept until 9:00am after going to sleep last night at 9pm (although that was an interupted 12 hours) - I have realised that this is what I can't do when I am normally working - sleep when I need to sleep.

Despite the extra sleep, tonight I have been on a tiny sugar trawl through the house - I think mainly because I missed a meal today.

Now it is Saturday - how sad that it takes me two days to write a blog post!

The sugar trawl was evident on the scales - but I feel much much better today! Still sore but no longer tired.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Thing are going great guns this week and I am very pleased.

I did end up with leg DOMS from Tuesday but it wasn't as bad as I anticipated.

I didn' do any training yesterday as Wednesday is a busy day and Harrs had his first vaccinations. He screamed the poor little mite and the proceeded to cry for another 6 hours until he finally fell asleep.

On the cards today is the gym, where I will do shoulders and back as well as 25 min on the Elliptical trainer. I also walk there and back with a 10 min incline wall (read HILL) on the way home.

Planned food:
1 - Oats, protein powder, raspberries
2 - Up and Go Vive post workout
3 - salad of some description
4 - cottage cheese and rice crackers
5 - haven't thought about dinner yet
6 - cottage cheese, yoghurt, raspberries

Weight today: 78.8

Monday, April 13, 2009

random rainy garden images


Having a baby reminds me often of how important it is to value rest.

I woke up tired this morning - despite the fact that our night wasn't too bad last night. I also woke up ravenously hungry this morning - despite the fact that I has a yoghurt snack at about 3am this morning.

This afternoon I will try to have a little nap I think. It all depends on Harris.

It is raining here in Canberra today which means no walk for me. Boo Hoo! But I am planning on going to the gym - and I am decidedly nervous about it.
Mainly about how Harris will go in the child care I think.

I did manage to get a walk to the gym after all - the rain has stopped - for now -it is looking very black out over the mountains right now. I needen't have been nervous - the little angel slept the entire time I was in the gym! I really hope that is a trend he keep up!

Food (planned) today:
1 - oats, raspberries, protein powder
post gym session - Up and Go vive (Have you tried these - they are great!)
2 - cottage cheese and rice crackers
3 - spinach and feta frittatas and salad
4 - yoghurt and protein powder
5 - mustard coated chicken and salad
6 - cottage cheese, raspberries, yoghurt

Exercise today:
Hamstring Curls 3 x 10 x 10kg
Leg press 3 x 12 x 30kg
Squats 1 x 12 x 30kg 2 x 12 x bar only
Stiff legged dead lift 3 x 12 x 12kg
A few other bits and pieces like some wall squats with the fit ball and some lunges. Lunges really hurt my pelvis so I am going to lay off them for a bt I think - until I get more strength.

25 min HIIT on Elliptical
30 min walk inc Hill

Weight today: 79.7

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 1 nearly done

Day 1 is closing in towards a close and I am happy to report that it has been a good day.

All systems go on great food choices today - especially thanks to Amanda, who decided she didn't want to indulge in a piece of chocolate cake, and so therefore neither did I.

We have had a very lazy, stay at home Easter weekend.

On Friday we went to the Folk Festival here in Canberra, it was Harris's first big day out and we really paid for the change to his routine later that night. He was a very tired grumpy baby.

Saturday and Sunday were spent recovering and getting his routine back on track.

Today, Amanda came over for lunch and a chat, before that we went for a walk around the lake.

Food today:
1 - Oats, raspberries, protein powder
2- cottage cheese, rice crackers
3 - Spinach and feta frittata and salad
4 - french vanilla yoghurt and protein powder
5 - mustard coated chicken and salad
6 - cottage cheese, yoghurt, raspberries

Exercise today:
5km walk

Weight today: 80.2

Fairly relaxing in all.

Today has been fairly easy in making good food decisions, I had a clear head and nothing was stressing me out. I was at home and not tempted by any food out and about.

Tomorrow morning I am going to see about joining the gym - I'm excited!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tis Time

I think that in my heart I have been waiting until after Easter to get back into the groove and really get on top of the fitness regime again.

As I mentioned, last week Iwent and checked out a local gym and I think that I wll most likely join. Their classes are a bit rubbish (no RPM) but I really only want an elliptical machine and some decent weights equipment.

So I have decided that I will spend this weekend getting my act into gear and putting all of the things in place to make sure I am organised enough to help make things easy.

I have found that I have been slipping back into old eating habits fairly easily when it comes to dinner and breakfast, but it is the middle of the day that is fairly calorie packed. Mainly because I usually find myself out and about over lunch time. I think that id I start going to the gym 3 days per week this will change because This will be about the time I get home from the gym so any oher errands will have to be in the afternoon, after lunch.

So the things that I need to keep at the top of my mind are:

- That it is not 'too hard' to prepare something quick and healthy at home
- That momentum begets more momentum - if I get in and do it, taking things one day at a time, and not stressing about it all too much. the momentum will take off and keep me going.
- That when I don't feel like exercising for whatever reason, I need too just get out and do it - because you can guarentee that in 10 mins time I will be loving it.
- That I need to take one day at a time and not stress about getting to the final outcome but know that by taking the steps on the journey, the final destination will be achieved.

So in sayingg that, my goal for this week is to get into the 70's again, with my scale weight being 79.x by this time next week.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Lack in general. Of posting , of walking, of eating well. But thats OK because I have been nurturing my mind.

I had my 6 week follow up at the doctor and he basically said that it probably wasn't the best idea to start running again just yet. I should probably give it another 2 months.

he did say I could start back on the bike if I wanted to though - and anything else that is non-impact. Which means I can do weights and strength work if I want to.

So I went to the local gym last week to see if they babysit for babies as small as Harris. Well he charmed them with his cuteness and they said yes - but that if they had lots of kids in there and he was starting to get grizzly that they would have to come and get me in the gym. Thats fine!

I really feel the need to work my muscles and get my herat rate up to a decent level. Hellooo Elliptical trainer! and hill walking on the tready!

I have also been procrastinating about prepping food and the "Work' factor of getting back to all those good habits I had before. It is hard work, constant preparation and organisation and staying on top of things to shift weight. I always thought that if I didn't have to go to work that it would be so much easier. It is easier to find excuses to do things that are more fun that exercise thats for sure!

I am still unsure of the gym and the babysitting. There are alot of what ifs going through my head. - Mostly about Harris acting up and me not being able to get anything done and it being a waste of money.
The babysitting in the gym is only from 9am - 12pm daily so I have a very small window of opportunity on weekdays. Weekends would be OK because I could get Mark to look after Harris for and hour. The other what if I have is the fact that I would have to be super efficient in the gym and not dawdle like I used to. Perhaps I am thinking too hard about it all and I just need to do it and work it all out along the way.

I had a thought yesterday that I really should be making the most of the extra weightloss aid that is breastfeeding. At the moment I am not doing anything extra but I could be seriously making the most of this extra help. Who knows how long I will be able to breastfeed for?

The other interesting thing. I had forgotten just how good Oats, mixed with rasberries and protein shake is.... Mmmnnn tasty!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Weekend All Sewn Up

I have had quite a productive weekend - I have cut out the skirt that I am going to make (most likely over easter), I have cut out a tunic top that is in the Anna Maria Horner "Seams to me" book, and I have sewn up an apron that was in a past issue of Get creative magazine.

When I locate my camera again (I think (Hope) it is in the car), I will take a picture of it. I made it using this georgous lingerie fabric that I bought a while back just because I loved it.

I like attempting these types of patterns because it helps me to learn new sewing skills (like setting in a skirt to the waist band) and increases my sewing confidence. My next skill that I really need to learn is inserting a zip - and I have a project in mind for that.

So, back to the Apron.

I do like how it turned out - although there are a few small things that I would probably change were I to make it again.

I think I would do the neck strap in a different style or at least make it longer - in fact I may still do that to this one.

The other thing I would do is make the skirt part wider so that is went around more of my body., and probably shorten it so that it ended just under my knees. I don't mind it how it is now, but these things would make it better I think.

For some reason I have a really strong urge to make every single apron pattern that I come accross. I might do that just for fun. I really should wear an apron when I am doing things at home because I constantly wipe my hands on my clothes when I am in the kitchen or eating.

Spotlight (fabric store) is having a clearance sale this week so I am going to go tomorrow and get some fabrics that caught my eye last week.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Consulting the Oracle

My husband's grandmother was a very accomplished seamstress and while I never had the pleasure of meeting her, she did pass her skills for all things sewing on to her two daughters - my husband's aunts.

So, every so often when I reach a bump in my sewng skills road, I have to go and consult the oracles.

It's really nice and I feel as though I am startign to get that little crafters bond going with them.

I am in the process of making a skirt - my first true garment made from a purchased pattern.

When I had a spare 5 minutes today I sat down with the pattern to cut the pieces out, however when it came to the cutting guide for the skirt waist band and interfacing I got all confused by the was the pattern instructions said to place the pattern piece on the fold of the fabric and I needed further instruction.

It seems to be worked out now but the proof will be when I piece it together and see what it looks like in the end.

The comments on my blog don't seem to have been working up until this point - thanks to Kirsty for pointing that out to me! I seem to have the problem fixed now though!

I am hanging out to get to the fabric store next week (not until Tuesday!) because I am really into the quilt I am making for my friends baby and I need to get the final bits of fabric for the quilt top. There is also a bag project that I am going to get some material for.

Right now I have an old gift box housing my fabric stash but I can see that is going to get too small pretty soon!

I read a great thing today in the current Notebook magazine about a woman who took a photograph of somethign she was grateful for in her life, every single day for 1 year. It was such a lovely story about being present in the moment and appreciating the things and people in her life. I was especially enchanted by the part in the story where she told of her daughters becoming more present and 'aware' because she had, and them bcoming more appreciative of the things and people in their lives.

This is something that I would like to see in myself. I will be the first to admit that I am bad at saying thank you. I say thank - you of course but I feel like I never do it with enough sincerity or in some situations (When It is called for) excitement. I think that I would like to be more excited about certain things in life and respond to them accordingly on the whole. I mean - I can be self conscious about even saying hello to people in the hallway at work or smiling at times. This is a part of me that I would like to work on. I have been listening to the CraftSanity podcasts at night while I have been breastfeeding Harris and this is something I notice about many of the Americans that Jennifer interviews. They are all really sincere and grateful, thankful and excited about what they do. Many of them seem to have a realy Joie de vivre for life and I think that I need to find a little bit of that in me. It's not that I don't enjoy life - I do - I'm just not very good at expressing it. I need to work on that. I think that being able to rediscover crafting is helping me a lot with finding out things about myself I had forgotten. I am very grateful for being able to reconnect with parts of me that needed nurturing. I am so excited about the prospects of all the things I can make and be crative with. When I first finished up working to go on maternity leave, I felt incredibly unconstructive, but sewing and making things has allowed me to feel like I am accomplishing things each day - that I am productive with my time. That is important to my psyche!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bunny, Bunny, Bunny

Look how cute these bunnies are over at Edward and Lily's blog!

How lucky that she is having a giveaway and I have a chance to win one.

Please little bunny..come to live at my house....

Trip to Cockington Green

Cockington green is a tourist attraction in Canberra, where they have created a world of miniture houses and replicas of england and other buildings from countries around the world.
The minitures were cute and very well done but the gardens were just stunning.

A great place to take the kids as they have good play equipment.

We went as my mum was in town and she wanted to see it - I'mnot sure I will go again until I have kids big enough to enjoy it more thoroughly.

was a nice way to spend the afternoon though.

Cockinton green is located in the Gold Creek village where there are numerous other boutique shops and cafes to browse through and enjoy a nice morning or afternoon out.

If you do go, i thoroughly recommend Cafe Injoy at the top end of the main street - best cafe I have been to in Canberra.

There is also a lovely little quilting shop next door called Calico Patch, and a scapbooking shop next door to that. Enough to keep any crafter happy for a few hours.

My Creative Space

I seem to be finally getting into a groove with crafting again and have this week managed to get my first attempt at a quilt on the go. I haven't quite mastered the art of rotary cutting but I am getting much better and last night managed to get some piecing done while the wee one slept for a solid 3 hours (WOW!).

I have a whole box of pre cut projects to do - eventually. Lucky I was so into cutting out while I was pregnant.

My Creative space is hosted by Kirsty at Kootoyou.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Crafting rant of the week...

Why is it, that when you buy a precut fat quarter, they insist on including the selvage/branding in the measurement - when you only have to cut the selvage off anyway...

I don't get it...

rant over