Thanks for visiting my neat little blog. I have been blogging for about 4 years now and I find that it is really helpful and inspirational to connect with other people who are on the same wavelength.
In 2008 - after just getting to the fittest I have ever been by completing my first Half Marathon - I discovered I was pregnant with my first child. So now my fitness journey has evolved into a challenge of finding the balance between being a new mum and regaining that level of fitness again.
Having a baby has enriched my life more than Icould have ever imagined and I have rediscovered a love for crafting along the way - Down in the Shed has evolved from that love for expressing creativity.
I have also discovered a strong affinity towards natural and gentle parenting and I hope to explore that a little through here also.
Having a baby and trying to stay fit is MUCH more difficult that I could have ever imagined. I hope that I can help just one other person feel empowered by being a new mum as well as to recognise that in order to be a great mum and look after your precious little one to your best ability - then you need to look after yourself as well - Spiritually, emotionally and Physically!
I hope that you enjoy reading along with my story.